Cartoonversations are designed to get kids talking about stressors that can interfere with their learning, their health, and their safety. Rocketoons help teachers and caregivers rescue childhood by building cartooniverses that allow kids to open up about what they need to be the healthy, happy people we so desperately need them to be.
Too Many Activities
We all want what’s best for our kids, but when does too much of a good thing become a bad thing?…
Snail’s Pace
Nothing moves faster than the digital world, as our racing friends are about to find out…
Last One Picked
At some point or other, virtually all of us will have a moment when we are not the first one picked…
Think Tank, Cyberbullying
Have you ever been cyberbullied? Do you know what can happen to a cyberbully?…
Let’s all play Hop, Skip, and a Jump, the game show that proves truancy is never a good idea…
Resilience: Making the Grade
Resilience. When something doesn’t go well, we need to be able to bounce back…
Marv or Myth? Talking About Mental Health
Is it real, or is it a myth? As our mythical creatures point out to us, they are very real, and so are mental health issues…
It’s Written In The Stars
We each deal with the death of a loved one – and the changes – differently…
Divorce, Under The Microscope
What happens to a family when parents divorce? The answer to that question is probably different for every single family…
Sometimes we know exactly where we are going, but sometimes the rules get changed on us…
Garbage In, Garbage Out
What we put into our bodies fuels everything we do, and it’s more than just the food we eat…
PeaBo I Sullivan, Digital Citizenship
Negative behavior. Positive behavior. Believe it or not, they both take practice…
Louis Ray Finds His Way
When someone in our life dies, we don’t lose them all at once. There are memories and reminders everywhere…
Protectoons – Never Again
When violence arrives, we have to be prepared for the best possible outcome…